Sunday, November 12, 2006
Juan, D1, & Moi before the Joe Elizondo Episode
Memorial Day Weekend 2006 (Sunday)
WATT is Juan's Word worth?
WATT is Juan worth to Mikal?
WATT is Joe Elizondo worth to Juan now?
WATT is Joe Elizondo worth to the CCREDC now?
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Why did Comrade Kelley & Sylvia Samniego not invite everyone in the CCPPC
Nueces Democratic Party Penetrated by Trojan Horse Socialist Party of Texas…….
Kelley, admitted Socialist Party of Texas Loyalist; committed fraud upon the people of South Texas and the Nueces County Democratic Party.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
If you lie down with dogs, you get fleas and deserve scrutiny.
Great to hear of your interest in knowing more about the SP Texas and of our
still proposed campaign for Dist. 27th by our compañero Raul Cano.
Regarding the Socialist Party of Texas (SPTX), SPTX is a state affiliate of
the Socialista Party USA ( As part of the SP USA, we, SPTX,
"strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under
their own control -- a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in
which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community." You can get
more on our party at:
As far as District 27th run against Solomon Ortiz, there are still many
factors that we have too look into before a major electoral campaign is
started. As you, compañeros, are aware from your work in LRUP, there is
ground work to be done. Right now, we looking into the process of filing,
time frame, etc. We also need to build up our volunteer base and funding.
Our party will need assistance in electoral legal matters, fundraising,
flyering, poll watching, and starting to get the contacts needs for public
presentations and evens at the key cities in Dist. 27th.
If you are interested in joining the party or at least being part of helping
out with our electoral work, please, feel free to contact me via email at
ectoren at
in solidarity,
Erik Carlos Torén
State Secretary
Socialist Party of Texas
sptexas at
(956) 342-8689 - cell
>>We are from Corpus Christi and travel to the valley weekly on business.
>>Abel, is an attorney and I do all the rest, I am sure you know what that
>>Abel, my husband was involved in La Raza Unida in his younger years. We
>>are seeking to be involved again. We tried a group here in Corpus Christi,
>>but they seem stuck in the Democratic box. We are wondering about your
>>group. We are also, interested in the rumor of you running for Congress.
Steve Rossignol stever at
Sun Oct 16 11:21:55 EST 2005
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Hello All--
It's time to get another issue of the Lone Star Socialist out, our Fall 2005.
I've got one article from John Kelley. Anybody else want to write something. Valley Report? Bill? Breck? Mike Y?
Houston Report?
I'd like to put something in about our proposed congressional campaign, but I will hold off on this until after the phone teleconference to see what we decide.
Steve Rossignol
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Minutes of the 2005 Socialist Party of Texas Convention
August 6, 2005
Presidential Suite, Ramada Inn, 600 Water Street, Corpus Christi, Texas
In attendance: Raul Cano, Brownsville; Emma GonzaLes, Brownsville; Bill Fulcher, Brownsville; Erik Carlos Toren, San Juan; Les Cassidy, Corpus Christi; Michael Yoder, Laredo; Steve Rossignol, Blanco County
Observers (at various times): John Kelley, Nick Braune, Linda Braune, Joan Braune, Samantha Garcia, Greg Pason
Cassidy (with Kelley) stated that people in Corpus had been involved with United Peace and Justice as well as the Progressive populist Caucus. They have a radio program entitled Media Focus, and are publishing a local paper entitled The Red Snapper. The Progressive Caucus works with SP-TX folks. Kelley talked about counter-recruitment activities and the uses of art to send a political message. There have also been anti-Walmart actions and a fund-raiser for Kinky Friedman
From: _Les Cassidy_ (mailto:
To: _Steve Rossignol_ (mailto:stever at
Cc: _carlos morin_ (mailto:
goodolls at ; _John Kelley_
(mailto:greatblueheron777 at
) ; _Raul Cano_ (mailto:
raucan at
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:07 PM
Subject: Three Socialist Candidates for District 27
What would you think of having 3 candidates run for Cong. Dist 27? Raul
Cano in the valley, Carlos Morin in Kingsville, and myself or John Kelley in
Corpus Christi? We could have a primary and it would be a great way to
organize our party in South Texas. It's not about winning the election anyway.
Les Cassidy
----- Original Message -----
From: Les Cassidy
To: Steve Rossignol
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:01 PM
Subject: Fw: [CorpusChristiPPC] Re: Cost of War
----- Original Message -----
From: John Kelley
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 8:05 PM
To: Patrick Phillips;
corpuschristippc at
Subject: [CorpusChristiPPC] Re: Cost of War
Hey Patrick,
Hope you had a good trip. It has been busy. We are working on a counter recruitment campaign this fall. As part of that campaign I would like to show your film as a consciousness raiser and bill it as a Support the Troops event, charge an admission and send the proceeds to the vets group you work with Alyssa mentioned. I am posting your note and my response to our Corpus Christi Progressive Popoulist Caucus who is leading the effort. Lori Busch is in charge of the effort and will be contacting you after we meet on the 25th to follow up. Thank you for your development of this film
John Kelley
In a message dated 08/27/2005 5:40:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
raucan at writes:
We have to consider that with all the talk from labor about uniting against
Ortiz, that the Democratic Party might be setting up the stage for Eddie
Lucio. Lucio is very popular in the Valley.
That might be true. But would Lucio be any better than Solomon? He is
somewhat of a closet Republican. Hector Uribe was in my office a few weeks ago;
and he says that he doesn't think that Lucio can beat Solomon. Lucio and
Solomon are two of a kind.
Uribe held Lucio's senate seat for about ten years before Lucio beat him.
His office is in Austin, which gets his thinking out of the Valley.
If Ortiz does beat Lucio in the Democratic Primary, and YOU were the
independent candidate running against Ortiz, that means that Labor would likely
unite behind YOU, especially if you can get some support from the plaintiff
lawyers, like Les, and hung around some of the union offices and asked for their
You should come out strong about the right of poor people to get redress
from the courts. Everybody is harping about "law suit abuse." So the above the
above position might not get you a majority of the votes. But you don't
need a majority of the votes to win in the November General Election. You would
need only a little over a third. You would need some money that the
plaintiffs' lawyers seem to have with which to advertise and put up signs.
Bill Fulcher, Enrolled Agent, MBA
610 West Elizabeth Street
Brownsville, TX 78520-6316
(956) 541-4874
Fax (956) 544-3260
Hola Bill:
I think Raul meant that one way to bring back the official labor orgs. is,
ta-da!, Lucio!
No. I don't he is better than Solomon. Same people from the same electoral
When there was a campaign to organize Fruit of the Loom, a big underwear
making factory in Harlingen, Lucio went in and made a big speech to the
employees and advised them all to vote "NO" to the union.
If labor supports this guy, I'll be very disappointed.
What the Hell has the electoral machine got to do with it? These candidates
think what kind of message to send out that will get them the most money
from political contributions without costing them too many votes. Since most of
the other candidates have been farther to the right, these actions and
positions haven't cost them too many votes.
Uribe wasn't any better, although I supported him as being better than some
of the others. But, when he was first elected state representative, before
he became senator, he came out in favor of the "right-to-work law.
Raul should send out the message that he wants to protect poor people from
quack doctors and insure them just reimbursements when they are injured--and
support working people's rights. I'm sure we can think up some.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Sears"
To: "socialist unmoderated"
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 5:59 PM
Subject: [SOCUNMOD] Southern Socialist Conference
> A idea has surfaced again about hosting a Southern Socialist
> Conference here in the south. While we share the same problems with
> Capitalism as our brothers and sisters up north and out west, they
> sometimes take on a unique Southern twist. Most (if not all) of our States
> are right to work, segregation is still a problem, and the 2000 election
> showed us that Jim Crow is alive and well. The initial idea was suggested
> on the SPFL mailing list, and I've set up a list to specifically talk
> about setting up a conference, and on organizing the SP in the south.
> Please understand, this is not a list to debate what Socialism is,
> or to debate the issues that are sometimes over debated on other list. The
> scope of this list deals with organizing in the Southern States (as a
> general rule, those states that were south of the Mason Dixon line) The
> 2004 election showed there is an interest in Socialism in the South. We
> now need to reach out to those here who are Socialist in their leanings,
> and educate and organize them.
> The mailing list will be hosted by the Socialist Party of Florida
> and will not be on Yahoo or any other third party server. You will not
> need to worry about ads or anyone stealing your private information. You
> can join the list at:
> Thank you and as always, Y'all come back now ya hear !
> Y'all's in Solidarity,
> Steve
ello All: Eddie Lucio has recently been writing articLes in the
Brownsville Herald. He seems to be moving a bit to the Left. He has been addressing
some federal issues; and in his last letter he came out favoring a state
income tax.
A graduated Income Tax smacks of the Marxist idea of redistributing the
wealth. The conservatives want the poor to pay the taxes in the form of SaLes or
Consumption taxes so they will have to pay very little or no taxes.
A state income tax is an idea that is violently opposed by Republicans and
conservative Democrats that have been Lucio's and Ortiz' constituency. So I
guess he is getting ready for a race against Solomon Ortiz. Apparently he has
decided, or someone has advised him, that he needs to move to the left to
distinguish himself from Ortiz.
He hasn't said too much about the war, although in a previous letter he
seemed open to bringing the troops home. As a State Senator, he hasn't had to
vote on the war resolution -- or against it.
We need to get him in a meeting and grill him on his war position and that
of labor. We need to grill him on why, when the National Labor Relations Act
clearly supports the right of workers to form, join, and assist unions of
their choosing -- why did he go into Fruit of the Loom and advise these workers
not to vote for or join a union.
If he comes out favoring a progressive income tax, bringing the troops home,
and becomes a bit more pro-labor, Raul won't have much on which to challenge
him. And as Erik has said, Eddie Lucio has a strong following in South
It's inconceivable to me that Eddie Lucio will take these positions; but if
he does, and his articLes seem to indicate that he is leaning that way, we
will have to hold him to the fire AFTER the election. Because he will probably
We do need to run Raul (and maybe Erik) for something. Or somebody. In
this area a Left leaning candidate will have to be a Hispanic. The one time
mayor of Rio Hondo got to write quite a bit in the papers as she had the
credibility as the Mayor of Rio Hondo. She was very conservative and an Anglo
Republican. Most Anglos hereabouts are Republican. So they will come out for an
Anglo, if he or she is conservative. But a "people for peace and justice"
type of person, or a Socialist, pretty much has to be an Hispanic.
I don't know where Raul votes--Brownsville or Rio Hondo. But we need to
find him something for which he can run. And I'm not excluding femaLes, if they
are Hispanic and agree with our philosophies, they should run for something.
But not all for the same position, please.
Bill Fulcher, Enrolled Agent, MBA
610 West Elizabeth Street
Brownsville, TX 78520-6316
(956) 541-4874
Fax (956) 544-3260
E-mail, fulcherbil at
--- FULCHERBIL at wrote:
> I'm
> not sure what Solomon's Congressional district
> number is.
It's Dist. 27th.
Dear Comrades in the Valley,
I would say the thing to do is nose around democrat circLes down there
and see what names may be flying in the wind as possible candidates to
go up against Solomon. This could help a SP congressional run. Were
Solomon to face a primary battle, he likely would survive it and get
the nomination, but he would come under attack and his horrible
performance would become an issue, because a democrat challenger would
"go negative". Then, Raul could step in and run officially as an
independent in the general election, and probably would get a fair
chunk of the anti-Solomon democrat vote.
In fact, if the democrat opponent to Solomon were "progressive" enough
(for example, supported by AFL-CIO), that candidate might actually be
convinced to endorse Raul in the general election. Stranger things
have happened!
On the other hand, such a primary battle might draw more people into
the primary, thus requiring more work to get the 500+ signatures Raul
will need.
In solidarity,
Michael Yoder
On Friday, August 26, 2005, at 09:22 PM, FutbolRock&Revolucion wrote:
> Hola Steve and Comrades:
> Very interesting note. I am really curious who they would like to back
> in the Dem. primaries. Solomo is the machine's man. Let's keep working
> on our electoral work. BTW. I know Roy B. from AFT in Hidalgo Co.
> por el socialismo,
> Erik Toren
Hola Michael and Comrades:
I think the comrades in Brownsville and CC can give us an better idea what the Dems are planning to do for the primary. I am Hidalgo Co. so alot of what happens stays mostly w/i that machine.
I seriously doubt that there will be serious challenger w/i the Dems, if at all. The reason they voted they way voted w/i out any problem is that they know the machine will back them up, the boogies will help their electoral $$ chest, and the rest of the party (official Labor et al) will follow along. The challenge that came to an already established pol (Mike Wise) came from w/i the Hidalgo Co. machine.
NevertheLess, if we do run a candidate, I think we can get a good number of the progressive vote. Remember. A lot also depends on who the Reps are running. A good number of the progressives may vote Solomon just because the Rep. may be worse.
por el socialismo,
Erik Carlos Toren
Partido Socialista del Valle
[PfP-Platica] [Sptxsc] Fw: [SOCUNMOD] A new congressperson
ello Greg--
I am hoping that Les in Corpus will be able to confirm the availability of
the Presidential Suite for Saturday evening. If all else fails, I can
guarantee you a spot in my Motel 6 room. Don't worry, we will arrange
something! Meals are on me, if no other arrangement has been made.
What are your arrangements for Friday PM? Has someone arranged to meet you
at the bus station? Do you have housing set up?Not sure when folks are
arriving, but I think Michael Yoder will be there Friday evening. Please
let me (or somebody) know,
I will have my cell phone activated, as much as I hate those things. All,
please make note of the number: 512-925-2497. I will not be arriving in
Corpus until about 8:30-9 AM on the 6th, leaving Blanco County about 5:30-6
AM, but I will have the phone on at that time. Until then, my home phone
number is 830-833-5315.
Steve Rossignol
----- Original Message -----
To: "Steve Rossignol"
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: When are you leaving for Corpus?
> Hey folks,
> I need housing Saturday evening, if I can stay in the "presidential suite"
> that would be good (woohoo!;)
> I will be around starting Friday AM and at your service through Saturday
> evening. I'm leaving Sunday evening and plan on making Sunday a "tourist"
> day or something like that.
> Greg
>> >> Has anyone arranged for Greg's accommodations? It occurred to me that
>> >> he
>> may be able to stay in the Presidential Suite if we have that room for
>> the
>> evening.
>> Soli
>> Steve Rossignol
Hello Les--
$2 cover at any venue is a good deal.
I personally will not be in until Saturday.
I am sending this to the gang. Hopefully it will reach folks before they leave Friday. I understand that National Secretary Greg Pason is already in Corpus. Has he made contact with you?
See you tomorrow.
Steve Rossignol
----- Original Message -----
From: Les Cassidy
To: Steve Rossignol
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [SPTXSC] Re: When are you leaving for Corpus?
Friday night we can have a get together at any number of venues downtown. let's meet in the Presidential suite of the hotel at 9:00 p.m. and decide where to go.
Saturday night the Ying Yang Fandango is having a live performance of a celtic/gypsy band nearby. The place is quite cool and it's a late cafe. Cover $2.00 but a great buy at that.
Les Cassidy
Cano for Congress -- I like that. You know, a lot of younger people like to
think of themselves as independents. If Raul is listed as an Independent on
the ballot, he may really have a shot at winning. Besides the conservatives
will be split up.
In a message dated 08/10/2005 10:43:45 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
stever at writes:
Hello Erik--
Good to see you are on top of this. I will not bother to send the laws this
weekend since you already have.
On another front, I have started on the minutes, but I do not recall your
wife's name, Erik, nor did I get Samantha's last name. I am listing them as
This weekend I will try to send something to the expanded email list with a
synopsis of the convention as well as solicit further congressional
Cano for Congress!
Steve Rossignol
Michael, I agree with your thinking. I think the run off thing would be
viable only if we run candidates in the Democratic Party primary.
Some of the other candidates, as I understand it, may not be Socialists,
and may wish to challenge Solomon in the primary election.
If we support those people in the primary, we would not be eligible to sign
the petitions for an independent candidate.
There is no run off in the General Election. Our strategy should be to
divide the conservatives, not to divide ourselves between three candidates.
We have to decide among us who the Independent Candidate is to be before the
November election.
I ran for State Representative on the Democratic Ticket in 1981, I think it
was. I didn't have to get any signatures. I just had to take a $400 check
to Austin and sign the papers.
You know, you have an interesting idea! What if we run a candidate
against Solomon in the Democratic Primary?? That way we wouldn't have
to worry about getting signatures of 500 people who did not vote in any
primary (within that short window of time). But how hard would it be
to put together a candidate for that Democratic Primary?? And other
candidates for other positions in the democratic primary (county
commissioners, etc.)? Would we want to even do that? I personally
see the wisdom of doing so, but the candidate(s) running for the
various offices would have to feel good about associating themselves,
albeit loosely, with democrats. Probably the deciding factor ought to
be which way is easier to get on the ballot. Something worth
considering, in my view.
Raul and Erik,
You bring up good points, and you've made your positions quite clear,
so I suggest ditching my recommendation for considering the use of the
democrat party-run apparatus. However, as a rhetorical point, I can't
help but think that a good way to bring light to the problem facing
third parties is to run as a democrat, and when the media asks what a
socialist is hoping to accomplish by running as a democrat, the
candidate can point out that the dems run the apparatus and make it
necessary for third parties to run within that apparatus. It would be
one way to conduct the battle for recognition of third parties. . .
.albeit an "in your face" way of doing so. A very far right-wing
Christian Coalition Republican did that very thing here in Webb County
last year. But given both of your sentiments, I will have to agree
that running Raul as an independent, and collecting the 500 signatures
after the primary, is the way to go. And in the end, a true
independent on the ballot for the general election in November 06 might
very well get more votes than an independent in a democratic primary
the prior spring.
In solidarity,
Hola Michael:
A) Historically speaking, within the context of Texas,
the raising of awareness of the need for multi-party
democracy has really come out from oustide both
parties. At least w/i modern current history (60's to
present), LRUP is a good example of that. In reallity,
it does not take a lot % of votes to scare the two
major parties.
Raul: We are not asking you to run on the Democratic ticket. We are trying
to get the other candidates who want to run head to head against you to run
on the Democratic ticket. At least one of them is not a Socialist.
If you're wanting to run against the winner of the Democratic and Republican
primary, and two other independent candidates as well, we would have no
chance of winning.
If we could get them into the Democratic Primary, or running for other
offices but not head to head with you, we could split the conservative vote, and
then have a chance of winning.
If by "dancing to its own beat" you mean sitting on the outside running
candidates who have no chance of ever winning, we might as well try to get the
best Democrat elected that we can.
I move that we have one person run as an independent for congress
against Solomon (Raul), one person run for some entirely different
position/seat in that area, and one person run for yet a third
position/seat in that region. I'd say Raul, Erik, and others are right
that we not mess with the democratic primaries. . .that strategy would
be too risky and obviously not too palatable.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Raul Cano"
>Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 3:46 PM
>Subject: RE: [Sptxsc] Re: [DAT-Steering] E-Mail Message From William Carney
>>Comrades: The comrades From the Partido Socialista del Valle work closely
>>with anyone who believes that Socialism is the way or who supports our
>>community based efforts. We have joint meetings under the Socialist Forum
>>label. I have no problem with opening our common list to anyone who is
>>sympathetic to our efforts.
>>Having said that, I think that the State Commitee list is stricltly for
>>members and would clarify that all leadership of the Party, both at the
>>local and state level, must be members in good standing. to summerize
>>thing, we work with DAT non SP USA members like we would with any non SP
>>USA activist. Inclusion in the internal activities of our Party, at the
>>local and state level, is not something we should(or can) do.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Texas State Representative House District 33: Solomon P. Ortiz Jr. Defeats Mikal Watts at his Own Game. Or Perhaps GOD intervened.
“When Corpus Christi state representative Vilma Luna decided to give up her legislative seat in July to take a lobbying job in Austin with Hillco Partners, the Democratic party had every reason to believe that the seat would remain in the party's column.”
Let’s look a little further into this assertion.
Why did Vilma Luna step down?
One answer and the one on the surface would be as stated, “to take a lobbying job in Austin with Hillco Partners”. Vilma cited more family time as her primary reason. It goes much deeper than that Mr. Burka; remember Vilma Luna is their hero. It is not difficult to understand that the Utility of Vilma Luna was wearing thin like the Firestone tires that made Mikal and his Crew rich. He could have eventually got her into something she will be blamed for. As it is common knowledge in South Texas; Mikal Watts is about reversing the “Capelo” legislation. There were two tort reform bills, one originated by doctors (and endorsed by TLR) that capped non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases at $250,000 and another containing an assortment of protections for businesses, supported by TLR.
There's More.....
Sunday, August 20, 2006
citizensagainstcorruptjudges: The poles are put back in the rack until the next Judge or Democraddick relinquishes power after the critical date.
Now that Joseph Barrientos’ name and Mikal Watts’ name, is being quoted by messengers like Mike Chavez & Connie Gutierrez, Kenneth Hawkins delivering letters, personal messages of influence, and predictions of marksman accuracy as to County Court at Law # 2 Docket. Who controls the continuing feed to WATTABURGER?
There's more....
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The outcome of today's vote will hinge on how many of the 45 precinct chairs in District 33 turn out?
Democrats to decide today who gets nomination for Luna's seat
By Jaime Powell Caller-Times
August 13, 2006
Nueces County Democratic precinct chairs will decide today whether veteran educator Danny Noyola Sr. or young businessman Solomon Ortiz Jr. will get the party's nomination for the District 33 state representative seat - an office that never has been won by a Republican. The winner of the 2 p.m. vote at Democratic Party headquarters will appear on the Nov. 7 ballot alongside a Republican candidate, to be picked by that party's precinct chairs Tuesday. Noyola and Ortiz each announced they were seeking the nomination the same day state Rep. Vilma Luna, D-Corpus Christi, resigned last month. Luna, who had been in office since 1993, announced her resignation July 5 and later took a lobbying job with Hillco Partners. Precinct chairs said the outcome otoday's vote will hinge on how many of the 45 precinct chairs in District 33 turn out. Noyola and Ortiz have spent f the past few weeks hosting parties and coffees and sending e-mails and fliers, trying to ensure precinct chairs do show up and cast ballots for them. Noyola, 53, spent 26 years working in the West Oso Independent School district as a teacher, assistant principal, principal and later as superintendent. When he resigned from that position six years ago, he was hired by the Corpus Christi Independent School District to teach government at Moody High School. Noyola was named Miller High School principal in 2005, but was reassigned in June 2006 to Moody High School as an assistant principal. District officials would not say why he was reassigned and neither would Noyola. "I am still in the middle of the process involving that subject, because I respectfully disagree with the reassignment," he said. If he gets the nomination today, Noyola said he would retire and devote himself to the race and what he hopes is the legislative seat. For the past year, Ortiz, 29, has served as president and chief executive officer of OCS Group Inc., a business he describes as a consulting and legislative research firm. "That's why I am up to date on the issues, that's what I have been doing," Ortiz said. "I know politics and the way government and the legislative process works." Ortiz has served in the classroom, teaching General Education Development courses at the Adult Learning Center early in his career, though he is not a certified educator. He also has worked with the nonprofit organization Fighting to Rid Gangs in America. Ortiz is no stranger to politics. His father, U.S. Congressman Solomon Ortiz Sr., has been in Washington since 1982, and before that was Nueces County sheriff. Ortiz Jr.'s uncle, Oscar, is a Nueces County commissioner. In 2002, at age 24, Ortiz Jr. tested the political waters, winning the Nueces County Democratic Party chairmanship. He beat Noyola's son, Danny Jr., 52 percent to 21 percent. Ortiz Jr. decided not to run when his term was up this year. For Ortiz Jr., his time as party chair allowed him to make good contacts here and to make inroads into Austin, he said. "I have a great relationship with current members of the Legislature in Austin," he said. "It's all about networking and relationship-building. I have already forged those relationships, so I won't go there not knowing anything or anyone." Noyola Sr. has never held public office, although he ran for mayor in 1989 against then-mayor Betty Turner and lost his 1991 bid for an at-large City Council position. Noyola also has been a political activist working for Democratic Party candidates and for a variety of causes, including union rights, neighborhood improvements and economic development. He also started Moody Civic Minded Students, the student group devoted to increasing public service and improving the neighborhoods and community where his students live. The group has hosted political debates and voter registration drives, among other things. "I work well with the business community and the working people," Noyola said. Much of the rest of Noyola's family also has been politically active for years. His brother, David, was a Corpus Christi city councilman and a Nueces County commissioner. Another brother, Jesse, is a current Corpus Christi city councilman, and his sister Isabel Noyola-Martin ran in the last Democratic primary and lost against County Commissioner Betty Jean Longoria. Noyola-Martin's husband, Bill Martin, is a Del Mar College regent. Both Noyola and Ortiz have spent the month leading up to today's decision trying to woo away each other's support. Supporters from both political camps claimed this week that their candidate has the votes to be the nominee. But the pressure is high and the tide could still turn either way, both sides say. Barbara Klein, 79, a lifelong Democrat with deep roots in the local party, says she and a lot of others are supporting Ortiz because he is a natural leader. "I think he has a broader knowledge of the issues," Klein said. "I think he has the contacts to open doors others could not open and he has the ability to raise the money to win and the possibility to win. I worked with him for four years when he was county chair and I saw what he can do." Noyola is older, more experienced and brings a wealth of education knowledge to the table, countered Joan Veith, a Noyola supporter. Veith, 75, who has been heavily involved in the local party for more than 30 years, said Noyola has immense support among the precinct chairs. "I think we need an educator as state rep," Veith said. "There are too many attorneys. And Danny is a good man." There is huge pressure on all of the precinct chairs from both sides, Klein and Veith agreed. "It is unfortunate that such a few people have to make this decision," Klein said. "It is very, very intense, but I'm optimistic. I know that we have the votes, but it just depends on who is there and voting." Contact Jaime Powell at 886-3716 or powellj@
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Juan Garcia: Here is a HD # 32 victory or defeat in a nutshell.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Ram Chavez out of GI Forum
Chavez was expelled last month after the national board found him guilty of removing members from the group who questioned spending three years ago. Chavez will appeal the decision but declined to discuss his game plan. He said, though, GI Forum records and documents will clear him in the end.
"The chapter voted for everything we did, so we can account for it, but we will do it within the American GI forum where it belongs." It's no secret that the two American GI forum chapters in Corpus Christi have been at odds and many hope the division will stop.See Nueces De La Parra, and previous posts - here and here.
posted by CouldBeTrue @ 9:31 AM
- At 10:51 AM, Ta1999 said...
Sad how the GI forum, LULAC ect in this town allways have to fight.
" cant we just all get along " - At 1:33 PM, TolucaSi said...
LULAC and the GI forum have stupid leaders, if you call them that. I don't even think they ar leaders, they're a bunch of wannabes like ohnonoyola!
Hee....Haw....Hee....Haw.... - At 6:15 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
In response to the Red State's Article Juan Garcia: The Making of a Medical School in the Coastal Bend
What about the National Archives / Hector P Garcia / GI Forum / Bright Street Clinic??
Nueces De La Parra: G I Forum Solution Suggestion
Juan, in order to snatch the HD #32 seat from the Sea Man you need the little people. Big magnificent visions of grandeur are great but here is an issue that is in your hands already. You sit on the board of the National Archives and you spoke of an audit?
Juan Garcia III said he hopes the financial review will rebuild trust in the beleaguered foundation. He said the results of the review would be made public.
Where are the results?
Now, for visions of grandeur meeting reality here in the Body of Christ and South Texas as a whole let's get to work on something YOU CAN do something about right now! Do you want to win?
Unity of Historical Districts within the Body of Christ. Al Gonzalez Center, Rene Rodriguez Youth Center, Mikal Watts Philanthropist and Power Broker, Donald Trump Critique of our Community in preparation for his turning the UN around (like Iacocca 180'd Dodge). Del Mar College, TAMUCC, Solomon Coles Center, Whataburger Field, The Harbor Bridge Foundation, The National GI Forum Archives and the Hector P Garcia Institute of Education, Integrity, Culture and Public Policy. The Ann Matilde Kenedy Fernandez School of Law with a Strong Arm Watchdog Student Body. We can put it together with a consolidated UNITY but the only way it will work is by the engagement of our youth and our family support system being injected with an active vigor. Conceptualize a Bill Gates installed community outreach system ( provide a whole South Texas with wireless Laptops) implementing the cutting edge transparency features while locating the meetings in the America Bank Center once a month or so. A Berkshire Hathaway mixed with a W R Grace Corporate digital roundtable for the meeting format so as to enable an engagement for the whole community of South Texas and not unlike the "emergency command center" sans the leaky city hall; coordinate our community outreach effort from the roundtable. We got a lot of things to accomplish like the Education and the engagement of our youth in sports participation, community improvement JOBS where they can earn. Make the money out there for all to see, just like on the TELETHON for everyone to watch the fluctuation with the effort they provide. Make the Contract Award Process and the Grant Process check and balance one another. Welcome the Jewish Community Center like where Brent Chesney is familiar and model a state of the art Summer Camp and Winter Camp and it can be done free of charge, to all. Like a YMCA / YWCA with swimming, tennis, golf, boxing, wrestling, dancing, nursery school, Science camps all with the coordination of fixing and restoring our Historical Communities, neglected, crime ridden, and impoverished communities. Everything for the most part is already there; we just need to put it together
There's more - At 9:49 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
Who @ the Caller wrote this Editorial?
Unfinished business for Dr. Garcia's legacy
The Bright Street clinic is in better shape today, but it is a long way from becoming a living memorial to the late civil rights leader.
July 29, 2006
This week's well deserved recognition of the accomplishments of the late civil rights leader Dr. Hector P. Garcia was also a reminder of the unfinished business at the building that once housed the doctor's clinic.
The vacant clinic building is now in far better physical shape than it was a year ago, when its dilapidated condition signified by its overgrown, unkempt surroundings and vandal-scarred and neglected appearance, made it a shameful legacy for a noble and heroic career.
At one point the building was on the verge of being put on the auction block to pay off the mortgage debt to Garcia's widow.
Thanks to a $20,000 grant from the City of Corpus Christi, the building on Bright Street is now secured by fencing, its windows are boarded against vandals and its roof has been replaced.
The building has at least escaped the ignoble end of becoming a blight on the very neighborhood that Garcia so selflessly served.
What remains unfinished is turning to reality the ambitions of creating a living educational memorial to the late doctor.
Those hopes have revolved around a vision of a center where scholarly work on Dr. Garcia's papers could be done, where meeting places for conferences would be available and where the future generations could learn about the Garcia's fight on behalf of the poor and the victims of discrimination.
The chief vehicle for this has been the National Archives and Historical Foundation of the American GI Forum.
The Foundation has a line on a $250,000 grant and is looking for matching grants. But there's groundwork to be laid even before the first dollar is donated, and that's working on the transparency and accountability that the Foundation has long lacked.
The Foundation has in fact received thousands of dollars in the 10 years since Dr. Garcia died. None of that money has ever been accounted for, other than assurances from the Foundation chairman Amador Garcia, a cousin of the doctor, that it's been well-spent.
Almost a year ago, as the clinic building faced foreclosure, Garcia gave assurances to the Editorial Board that he would reach out to the community.
Shortly thereafter, an audit was promised; if that audit has ever been made public, we're unaware of it.
A year later the Foundation is still saying it needs input from community leaders.
To be fair, there has been some new blood on the board. Juan Garcia, a former Navy pilot who is no relation, has been added and is involved in the fundraising effort.
Accountability must be instilled before there will be the necessary trust for donors and the community at large to support the clinic vision. Absent accountability, the dream of a living memorial to a wonderful man will remain just that, a dream.
"when its dilapidated condition signified by its overgrown, unkempt surroundings and vandal-scarred and neglected appearance, made it a shameful legacy for a noble and heroic career." Jaime Kenedeno says:
If overgrown grass is a sign of dilapidation then it is still in the same dismal condition. JAG came out and had the grass mowed after the news focused it on the five o' clock news and by six it was being mowed. Transparency is a KEY issue here. Amador Garcia needs a lot of help as he was the one chosen by Dr Garcia to carry the torch. Amador is definitely deficient but this project now belongs to a whole South Texas due to the public influx of dollars. Let's get this thing going and implement it for our education and historical value. Quit griping and do something people! Let's get some proven leadership to help Amador Garcia. And to you Amador when somebody calls you up and offers a gallon of paint take it when they offer enough to paint the whole building accept it and call JAG to get the kids to help paint it. When somebody donates it is not to take away your thunder; it is to produce the lightning to go along with the thunder.
- At 10:17 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
Juan Garcia: Here is a HD # 32 victory or defeat in a nutshell.
How you gonna act?
Get busy and show us some progress.
A lot can be accomplished before November.
Productivity with the center is productivity for YOU.
Here it is, I am handing your path to victory.
You can ignore it like you have everything else or you can go for it.
WATT have you got to lose?
Get busy and show us WATT Juan Garcia can do!
Flying around the district and uploadable IPOD videos will not bring victory.
Give us some video of the Clinic being restored give us some plans for the National Archives to start taking a lead in the historical Culrural and Public Policy Areas of our Educational Architecture.
Come on start making productive accomplishments right here right now.
We all win if this materializes.
In a final decision Ram Chavez has been expelled from the GI Forum
Today in his final appeal at the GI Forum National Conference in Kansas City, the National GI Forum Board of Directors voted to expel Ram Chavez. In doing so, this action begins the charter re-instatement of the Hector P Garcia Founding chapter and bars Mr Chavez from all GI Forum activities. GI Forum National Director of Civil Rights Joe Ortiz in confirmation from the Convention floor in Kansas City looks forward to the Founding Chapter bouncing back and working in a unified manor to restore the legacy and namesake of Dr Hector P Garcia and the building, at the corner of Morgan Avenue and Bright Street, where activists planned the strategy for the landmark 1968 case Cisneros et. al. v. CCISD, which set the stage for courtordered school integration in Corpus Christi from 1976 to 1982. The building has been under the care of the National Archives & Historical Foundation of the GI Forum, which was set up in 1978 as a fundraising arm of the larger GI Forum - which was established by Dr. Garcia.
Juan Garcia: Here is a HD # 32 victory or defeat in a nutshell.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Roland Barrera vows, "I will diligently serve my "Progressive Democratic
FYI, Some of my record |
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Danny giving us the details means nithing without supporting documentation
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Luna to resign
Vilma Luna has announced she will resign from the Texas House of Representatives, effective July 31. She was mum on her future plans. Looks like elwhatsamatta got it first!
posted by GulfCoastLeftie @ 11:33 AM
At 12:56 PM, John Coby said...
Was she that bad?
At 5:49 PM, Tejana Dem said...
YES. She was Craddick's trustiest sellout Democrat and we don't like her. You don't get to be Vice Chair of Appropriations, sit on Calendars & Ways & Means by being disagreeable.I wonder what committee assignments Solly will get...
At 6:20 PM, nochisme said...
I'm curious to see if her successor wanna be, Danny Noyola, can get us over his tragic scandals if he were to be selected by the precinct chairs as our nominee. Mr. Noyola's recent scandal will damage this party in the November election as the dirt begins to flow out. He is very vulnerable and could cost this party to lose a seat. File an open records request with CCISD and learn in detail what Danny Noyola's incompetency has caused him. Go find out how many teachers have asked for transfers out from the school just this year. The candidate should be selected by the precinct chairs who is electable in November and unfortunately Mr. Noyola is not electable. I wonder if he will still continue his grievance that he recently filed with the board? Danny Noyola is damaged and if you select him, you can bet that he could be the cause of Democrats defeat this November. Think about it? If you love this party, don't choose a loser, crook, and incompetent principal that lasted only one year at Miller
At 7:01 PM, said...
I have a better candidate than either Junior or Noyola. Her name is Gloria Perez and has an impressive history and background (and she actually works for a living). Check out my post on her
At 7:06 PM, herownself said...
One cannot file an open records request on personnel records. This school district has a long record of dumping on and blaming people for policies and procedures that they had nothing to do with. Look at how often the principals at Carroll, a supposedly excellent school, change.Now, quick, let's you and him fight. I'll stand over here and win.
At 7:26 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
Mr WATTS beleives Danny is electable or he would finding somebody else. IMO, Danny is not a bad person and maybe a good choice?
At 8:47 PM, said...
I bet you we will see 5-7 candidates show up by the time this is done.
At 9:06 PM, nochisme said...
So then why do you not ask Danny for the details of his transfer? Why does he not publicly provide all of us with those details? We know that an assistant principal at the school became a whisleblower on how grades were and absences were changed at the school. We know that Noyola allowed an assistant prinicpal to take excessive time with out documenting her absences. Tell noyola to release the documentation on his dismisssal as Miller Principal and you will all find the truth. Tell CCISD to let the public know about his incompentency at Miller or unless you really don't want to know the truth. You want to lose this november then vote for Noyola. Remember this man has a history of displaying incompetency. First with West Oso ISD and now CCISD. Wake up Democrats! Noyola will destroy this party.
At 9:29 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
I was a permanent sub at Miller 2000 - 2002. The class I inherited had ran off the Teacher and 4 other Subs. Nobody wanted the JOB and the CCISD was called 2 or 3 or even 4 time per day. The first day when the security had not received any calls; they came to check on me. I grew to those kids and they to me. I had four or five that just refused to do the work, I was forced to pass them as well. If you can produce the documentation I am prepared to address it.Miller has been going on like this for quite a while now and the orders are coming from the top. Miller was my favorite school to work at. The absence policy is flawed from the beginning. It is being used to generate revenue off of the poor.And once again Mr Noyola has the blessing?Or does he?
At 9:30 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
"We know that Noyola allowed an assistant prinicpal to take excessive time with out documenting her absences."This happens all the time. And what about the time they spend before and after hours?
At 9:31 PM, lapolitica5 said...
Hello, No Chisme, for your information the issues at Miller's tragic scandals are nothing new. How many teachers do the same thing even more so you don't have to be a teacher things always occur. They choose the almighty dollar instead of the student. Regardless of what happen at the high school teachers resigning is nothing new, teachers leaving to take care of business is nothing new and more How would any of us know anything without the almighty whistle blower the problem they have they just got caught due to this person this is what you should report on or live up to your name the (no chisme) my foot what irony. I would have not known if it was not for you. Thanx!!! What does that have to do with anyone wanting to run for a State office? The district which only has 44 pcts will have to rely on a good person you tell me What person has no problems I will show you a perfect person.Just remember:A Lo Dado No Se le busca el lado.
At 9:51 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
Red StateWhen will Gloria sit down and talk to us?What is her position on some of the key issuesEducationThe Beach BlockadeCraddickDel Mar College Fiasco?
At 10:56 PM, CC_Politico said...
The Democrats need a nominee free of any controversy. Whether Mr. Noyola is innocent or not of the charges the fact that he failed to keep track of his subordinates falls directly on him as an Administrator. At least that is what is alleged. It is bad timing for Mr. Noyola that he has an ongoing lawsuit against CCISD and was reassigned to another high school campus only after one year at Miller HS as the head principal. I ask all true Democrats. What if he receives the nomination and the true source of his re-assignment comes out? Then what? Allow the Republican nominee have an easy ride to Austin because we selected someone with legal baggage? Mr. Noyola should do the honorable thing and not seek this position until it is cleared up, if it clears up.
At 11:29 PM, nochisme said...
Couldn't agree with you more cc politico. What will happen is that he will be nominated and the true extent of his activities is revealed. One can always place blame on all the higher ups but in the end it was Noyola who lost track of his school. I agree with you that Texas Truancy Law is a joke, but the issue dealt with Special Ed. and an insubordinate administrator tried to cover it up. Bottom line is that he leads the school and is resonsible for the actions of his insubordinates.As far as time spent before and after school by administrators, that no excuse for failing to be present at work. Contracts should state the time of a work day and it is the responsiblity of that individual to be present during that time. If you have presonal issues then you need to take the day off. Just because you are an administrator doesn't mean you are above the hard working laborer of an instructor.If Mr. Noyola had nothing to do with what took place at Miller then he needs to provide an explanation as to what the violation was that he committed and he must do so quickly before he causes this party to lose a Democratic seat.Furthermore, how can you say that a teacher chooses the almighty dollar over the student? Do you know that ths was the case at Miller? I doubt it! Maybe teachers are fat up with this Noyola administration and his incompetency. All could be cleared up if Noyola would just let everything out. So I challenge each and everyone of you who defends this false prophet to tell him to reveal the documentation so that his blind disciples know the truth about their patron.I understand in life that people have problems, this is nothing new. But the man is currently under the microscope and some people want him to be their nominee. well I must give the man credit, he attempts to expand his empire and many idiots fall for it. Wake up people! The ship has hit an iceburg and it is sinking, and all you can say is he did nothing wrong. Again, I ask the Noyola defenders to bring it all out or let the people know the truth about the tragedy that took place at Miller.
At 11:56 PM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
Once again, if there is documentation of wrongdoing; then by all means, let us open the can of worms.I have no allegiance to any of these people.If a candidate has a certain muscle behind him, there is not a Republican that can compete with this well oiled machine, with or without the baggage.Soli, best of all knows this.A Republican dont have a snowball's chance in hell of sitting where Vilma vacated.Furthermore, Vilma's district loves her and they will follow who she supports. It is that simple like it or not.
Vilma's district loves her and they will follow who she supports. It is that simple like it or not.
HD 33 shuffle
It certainly didn't take long for two candidates to announce their intentions to replace Vilma Luna on the November ballot.Solomon Ortiz, Jr., former Nueces Democratic Party Chairman, issued a press release soon after Luna's announcement. He said he chose not to challenge a sitting Democrat, but Luna's resignation "really does change things considerably," as he threw his hat into the ring. Danny Noyola, Sr., recently reassigned from Miller HS principal to Moody assistant principal, held a noon press conference to announce his interest in the position. According to several sources familiar with the Texas Election Code, the decision rests with the Democratic Precinct Chairs of Luna's district. According to these sources, there will be a District 33 Executive Committee meeting, at which point the Precinct Chairs of Luna's district will vote for their choice. The Nueces County Republican Party will have the same opportunity to place a candidate's name on the ballot, but no one has publicly announced as yet. Believe me, politics in Nueces County is never boring.
posted by GulfCoastLeftie @ 11:21 PM
At 12:01 AM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
Once again, if there is documentation of wrongdoing; then by all means, let us open the can of worms.I have no allegiance to any of these people.If a candidate has a certain muscle behind him, there is not a Republican that can compete with this well oiled machine, with or without the baggage.Soli, best of all knows this.A Republican dont have a snowball's chance in hell of sitting where Vilma vacated.Furthermore, Vilma's district loves her and they will follow who she supports. It is that simple like it or not.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Will Williams insist that Perry be listed as James Richard 'Rick' Perry?
Hey, "WATT's good for the Goose id Good for the Gander"
Williams created a big liability for himself did he not?
So shall it is written
So shall it be done.
More ink and selective policy implementation.
Now we need to bug the sh/t out of him and dont let go.
This is funny!
And they pay this guy the big bucks to assure the integrity of election codes?
I will do it for half!
And I will do a much better JOB.
Oh yeah, one must become a politician to assume that position.
I have too many allergies to become a politician.
As if!
I am very allergic to Brown nosing and reneging on my word.
Friday, June 23, 2006
South Texas Chisme: Kinky, Carole, Perry and Chris
You can vote for the incumbent three ways.
a vote for Kinky or Grandma is a vote for the incumbent.
If you want change and I dont know if it will be postive or not but have hopes that it will be a positive change if the people choose Chris Bell (the Anti Delay) to affect change in our Great State of Texas.
The Stars at Night
Are big & Bright
clap, clap, clap
We need to send an EVICTION Notice to Perry and Craddick et al and all occupants on said State of Texas property under the current lease at the Governor's Mansion.
Focus on Chris Bell and challenge his opponent.
Force Grandma & Kinky to either be with us or against us.
The Stars at Night
Are big & Bright
clap, clap, clap
We need to send an EVICTION Notice to Perry and Craddick et al and all occupants on said State of Texas property under the current lease at the Governor's Mansion.
Focus on Chris Bell and challenge his opponent.
Force Grandma & Kinky to either be with us or against us.
Friday, June 16, 2006
So we remember WATT happened last time
Group Name Good Government PAC
Stated Purpose To support and oppose Texas state and local candidates and to educate the voters of the issues in those elections.
Email Address
Established Date 01/14/2004
Contact Person Timothy Saha
Contact Address 555 N. Carancahua
Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478
Mailing Address 555 N. Carancahua
Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478
Good Government PAC "527" Contribution Details
Contributor Address Empoyer/Occupation $ Contribution Amount Date
Provost Umphrey Law Firm, L.L.P. P.O. Box 4905
Beaumont, TX 77704 N/A/N/A 100,000 03/23/2005
Watts Law Firm, L.L.P. 555 N. Carancahua
Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478 N/A/N/A 100,000 03/23/2005
Mikal C. Watts 205 Atlantic
Corpus Christi, TX 78404 Mikal C. Watts, P.C./Attorney 100,000 09/24/2004
Watts Law Firm, L.L.P. 555 N. Carancahua
Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478 N/A/N/A 50,000 09/07/2004
Law Offices of Douglas A. Allison 500 N. Water St.
South Tower Ste 1200
Corpus Christi, TX 78471 N/A/N/A 50,000 02/09/2004
The Watts Law Firm, LLP 555 N. Carancahua, Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78479 N/A/N/A 50,000 01/20/2004
The Edwards Law Firm, LLP PO Box 480
Corpus Christi, TX 78403 N/A/N/A 50,000 01/20/2004
Mauricio Celis 5938 Oso Parkway
Corpus Christi, TX 78414 Self-Employed/Attorney 50,000 02/07/2004
Law Offices of Jim Zadeh, P.C. 115 West 2nd Street
Suite 201
Fort Worth, TX 76102 N/A/N/A 50,000 03/23/2005
Watts Law Firm, L.L.P. 555 N Carancahua, Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478 N/A/N/A 25,000 03/22/2004
Mikal C. Watts 205 Atlantic
Corpus Christi, TX 78404 Mikal C. Watts, P.C./Attorney 25,000 11/08/2004
The Edwards Law Firm, LLP PO Box 480
Corpus Christi, TX 78403 N/A/N/A 25,000 03/23/2004
Watts Law Firm, L.L.P. 555 N. Carancahua
Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478 N/A/N/A 25,000 08/16/2004
Watts Law Firm, L.L.P. 555 N. Carancahua
Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478 N/A/N/A 10,000 08/12/2004
Watts Law Firm, L.L.P. 555 N. Carancahua
Suite 1400
Corpus Christi, TX 78478 N/A/N/A 7,500 07/12/2004
Lance K Bruun 711 N Carancahua, Suite 802
Corpus Christi, TX 78475 Self-employed/Attorney 500 03/05/2004
Good Government PAC "527" Expenditure Details
Vendor Address $ Expense Amount Purpose Date
HillCo PAC 823 Congress, Suite 900
Austin, TX 78701 50,000 Political Contribution 09/30/2004
HillCo PAC 823 Congress, Suite 900
Austin, TX 78701 50,000 Political Contribution 11/08/2004
KRIS - TV 409 South Staples
Crp Christi, TX 78401 36,985 tv advertising against Jaime Capelo 02/12/2004
KZTV 10 PO Box TV-10
Crp Christi, TX 78403 27,850 tv advertising against Jaime Capelo 02/17/2004
Bryan Hughes Campaign P.O. Box 450
Mineola, TX 75773 25,000 Political Contribution 09/30/2004
Abel Herrero Campaign P.O. Box 2923
Corpus Christi, TX 78403 25,000 Political Contribution 09/08/2004
Nueces County Democratic Party 1716 S. Alameda
Corpus Christi, TX 78405 25,000 Political Contribution 09/08/2004
KIII - TV 5002 S.P.I.D.
Crp Christi, TX 78411 22,650 TV advertising against Jaime Capelo 02/10/2004
Univision 28 102 Mesquite
Crp Christi, TX 78401 19,545 TV advertising against Jaime Capelo 02/10/2004
Magic104.9 PO Box 270547
Corpus Christi, TX 78427 15,000 KTMV TV logo against Jaime Capelo 02/24/2004
Magic 104.9 FM PO Box 270547
Crp Christi, TX 78427 11,960 Radio Spots against Jaime Capelo 01/29/2004
Cooper Outdoor Advertising Inc PO Box 9431
Crp Christi, TX 78469 11,893 Billboard Advertising 01/22/2004
Yvonne Gonzalez Toureilles Campaign P.O. Box 4144
Alice, TX 78333 10,000 Political Contribution 08/12/2004
Juan Hinojosa Campaign 612 Nolana, Suite 410
McAllen, TX 78504 10,000 Political Contribution 08/17/2004
David Dewhurst Campaign P.O. Box 756
Austin, TX 78767 10,000 Political Contribution 10/07/2004
DLP Consuting 10201 Leopard Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78410 10,000 Consulting on GOTV 04/05/2004
Mark Scott Campaign 302 Rosebud
Corpus Christi, TX 78404 7,000 Political Contribution 04/05/2005
Labor Ready 3220 S. Port
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 6,768 Poll Workers 04/13/2004
Enterprise Rent Car 4602 SPID
Corpus Christi, TX 78411 6,719 Car rental for GOTV 04/16/2004
Rex Kinnison Campaign 418 Peoples Street
Suite 205
Corpus Christi, TX 78401 6,500 Political Contribution 04/05/2005
Labor Ready 3220 S Port
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 6,444 Labor to distribute campaign materials 03/09/2004
Gulf Coast Mailing Services PO Box 9312
Corpus Christi, TX 78469 5,533 Mailing Service 02/20/2004
United Video Productions 1005 Santa Fe
Crp Christi, TX 78404 5,300 Video Production Costs 02/18/2004
KTMV - TV PO Box 270547
Corpus Christi, TX 78427 5,000 TV Logo 04/12/2004
Nueces County Democratic Party 1716 S. Alameda
Corpus Christi, TX 78405 5,000 Political Contribution 07/12/2004
Talmadge Heflin Campaign P.O. Box 720556
Houston, TX 77272 5,000 Political Contribution 08/27/2004
John D. Gabriel Campaign 11510 Elm Bluff
San Antonio, TX 78230 5,000 Political Contribution 02/17/2005
Labor Ready 3220 S Port
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 4,842 Labor to Distribute Campaign Materials against Jaime Capelo 03/15/2004
Rene Vasquez 814 Martinez
Robstown, TX 78380 3,700 Consulting Services 04/02/2004
Jeff Montgomery & Assoc Inc 2101 S. IH35, Suite 432
Austin, TX 78741 3,012 Tracking survey for TX state rep District 34 02/03/2004
Jeff Montgomery & Associates, Inc. 2101 S. IH35, Suite 432
Austin, TX 78741 3,000 Poll tracking service 02/23/2004
Clear Channel Corpus Christi 501 Tupper Lane
Crp Christi, TX 78606 2,820 Radio ads against Jaime Capelo 02/09/2004
Ricardo Garcia 4110 Bascule
Corpus Christi, TX 78416 2,700 Building of Campaign Signs 02/26/2004
Rene Vasquez 814 Martinez
Robstown, TX 78380 2,630 Consulting 04/19/2004
United Video Production 1005 Santa Fe
Corpus Christi, TX 78404 2,525 Production Costs on TV Ads 03/03/2004
Jesse Noyola Campaign 4433 Valdez
Corpus Christi, TX 78416 2,500 Political Contribution 03/28/2005
Henry Garret for Mayor P.O. Box 18563
Corpus Christi, TX 78480 2,500 Political Contribution 03/28/2005
Javier Colmenero Campaign P.O. Box 71919
Corpus Christi, TX 78467 2,500 Political Contribution 03/28/2005
Bill Kelley Campaign 1402 N. Chapparel
Corpus Christi, TX 78401 2,500 Political Contribution 03/28/2005
Mike Chavez 1614 Mary
Corpus Christi, TX 78401 2,200 Get out the Vote 04/06/2004
Josefina Suarez 5870 Hamshire
Corpus Christi, TX 78408 2,000 Consulting 04/07/2004
Rene Vasquez 814 Martinez
Robstown, TX 78380 1,800 Consulting 04/08/2004
Printers Unlimited, Inc. 112 Tarlton
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 1,785 Printer charge for Mailouts 02/20/2004
Mike Chavez 1614 Mary
Corpus Christi, TX 78401 1,700 Consulting 04/19/2004
Connie Gutierrez 5314 Navarro
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 1,506 Consulting 04/13/2004
Committee to Re-elect Andres Reyes 5904 West Drive, Ste 22
Laredo, TX 78041 1,500 Political Contribution 02/17/2004
Magic 104.9 PO Box 270547
Crp Christi, TX 78427 1,420 Radio Advertising Spots 01/22/2004
Commercial Screening 4001 Ayers
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 1,189 T-shirts Vote no to Capelo 02/25/2004
Rene Vasquez 814 Martinez
Robstown, TX 78380 1,180 Distribution of Campaign Materials 03/05/2004
Printers Unlimited, Inc. 112 Tarlton
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 1,106 Vote No to Capelo Flyers 02/25/2004
Justice Paul Green Campaign PMB 309, PO Box 2013
Austin, TX 78768 1,000 Political Contribution 02/17/2004
Stephen Yelenosky Campaign 709 Bouldin Ave
Austin, TX 78704 1,000 Political Contribution 02/17/2004
Larry Olivares Campaign 4701 Ayers, Suite 407
Crp Christi, TX 78415 1,000 Political Contribution 02/17/2004
Brent Chesney Campaign 250 Cape May
Corpus Christi, TX 78412 1,000 Political Contribution 10/06/2004
Abel Herrero Campaign P.O. Box 2923
Corpus Christi, TX 78403 1,000 Political Contribution 09/27/2004
Yvonne Tourreiles Campaign P.O. Box 4144
Alice, TX 78333 1,000 Political Contribution 09/27/2004
Diana Barrera Campaign P.O. Box 260381
Corpus Christi, TX 78426 1,000 Political Contribution 08/27/2004
Connie Gutierrez 5314 Navarro
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 920 Consulting 04/14/2004
Majic 104.9FM PO Box 270547
Corpus Christi, TX 78427 900 Live Radio Remote 04/07/2004
Labor Ready 3220 S Port
Corpus Christi, TX 78415 635 Labor to distribute Campaign Materials 03/01/2004
Opinion Analysis, Inc 906 Rio Grande
Austin, TX 78701 591 Mailing Labels 02/16/2004
Robert Gonzalez Campaign 301 S Ninth St.
Robstown, TX 78380 500 Political Contribution 02/17/2004
Joe A Gonzalez Campaign 4009 Oak Forest Dr
Crp Christi, TX 78413 500 Political Contribution 02/17/2004
Belia Reynaga 5020 Green Park Drive
Corpus Christi, TX 78405 500 Translation service of Spanish TV Ads 03/31/2004
Clear Channel Radio 501 Tupper Lane
Crp Christi, TX 78406 480 Radio Advertising 01/29/2004
Cooper Outdoor Advertising, inc. PO Box 9431
Corpus Christi, TX 78469 324 Production of disclaimer stickers 02/25/2004
Rene Vasquez 814 Martinez
Robstown, TX 78380 309 Reimbursement of Expenses 03/15/2004
Rene Vasquez 814 Martinez
Robstown, TX 78380 250 Distribute Campaign materials against Jaime Capelo 02/25/2004
Texas State Bank P.O. Box 4797
McAllen, TX 78502 56 Bank Charges 01/31/2005
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posted by Jaime Kenedeño @ 3:05 AM
At 4:45 AM, DANNOYNTED1 said...
Twilight Zone Lyrics
Artist(Band):Golden Earring Review The Song (0)
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Twilight Zone Lyrics
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From the Albums:
* Cut
* Something heavy going down
* The naked truth
* Last blast of the century
Somewhere in al lonely hotelroom
there’s a guy starting to realize
That he’s eternal fate has turn it's back on him
And it's two a.m.
It's two a.m. the fear has gone
I'm sitting here waitin' the gun still warm
Maybe my connection is tired of taken chances
Yeah there's a storm on the loose sirenes in my head
I'm wrapped up in silence all circuits are dead
I cannot decode my whole life spins into a frenzy
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
This is a madhouse
Feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go
Now that I've gone too far
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
This is a madhouse
Feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go
Now that I've gone too far
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
I'm falling down a spiral destination unknown
A double crossed Messenger all alone
I can't get no connection I can't get through
Where are you
Well the night weighs heavy on his guilty mind
This far from the borderline
And when the hitman comes
He knows damn well he has been cheated
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
This is a madhouse
Feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go
Now that I've gone too far
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
This is a madhouse
Feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go
Now that I've gone too far
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
(Musical interlude)
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
This is a madhouse
Feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go
Now that I've gone too far
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
This is a madhouse
Feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go
Now that I've gone too far
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
Soon you will come to know
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
When the bullet hits the bone
At 4:45 AM, DANNOYNTED1 said...
"He knows damn well he has been cheated"