Sunday, April 30, 2006

Will Mr Watts allow his handpicked to work for US?

Will Mr Watts allow his handpicked to work for US?
Posted on April 30, 2006 at 02:42:40 PM
by Jaime Kenedeno

The Robstown Private Jail is an economic development betterment for the Robstown (western Nueces County) electorate. The name change on the Show Barn is one strong arm maneuver while another lies in the naming of the Public Library after a percieved (known) racist. Those were the implications of WATT could happen should western Nueces support some or one of the unchosen and unblessed ones Mikal did not handpick. Finally the new jail had to involve itself in the leveraging of an election. That is wrong. We now have either WATTS democrats or a Republican to choose for each spot in November. For the most part the Republicans appear as something not for the little people. Will Mr Watts allow his handpicked to work for US?

Friday, April 14, 2006

The WATT$ OLIGOPOLY in $outh Texa$

Dear Mr Bright,
In rebuttal re$pon$e to your defen$e of YOUR CANDIDATE or $hall I $ay Y'all'$ CANDIDATE. You are correct that thou$and$ voted for Judge Klager. In defen$e of our GRA$$ ROOT$ ADVOCACY for the "financially challenged" CANDIDATE$; I will enlighten you $ir; THOU$AND$ voted for Hector Rene Gonzalez a$ well. There i$ a very que$tionable element involved when Rob$town Voter$ and Politico$ are threatened. When attorney$ of Adver$e po$ition$ are threatened. When there i$ a MONOPOLY on the POLITIC$ in the Nuece$ County CUL DE $AC. Klager, Mari$ela $aldana, John Martinez, Bobby Galvan and "$herriff Jimmy" by a$$ociation and acceptance of campaign contribution$ and PAC$ created for the WATT$ $late i$ not necce$arily illegal but ha$ no part in our "Neck of the Wood$" Judiciary. I am aware of the working relation$hip between TWO FER and Mr Watt$. I am al$o aware of the mi$fortune of Judge Edward Aparicio (FIRE$TONE). Who wa$ the next Judge? I will continue to reveal "YOU$ GUY$". All I can $ay about Pete Alvarez i$ $olomon Ortiz $hould have backed him up in$tead of crying di$$appointment now. $olomon owed that kind of $upport to LENCHO.
Let ME a$k you Mr Bright:
WATT happen$ when YOU or YOUR AFFILIATE$ try a ca$e in their Courtroom?
I$ it unrea$onable, if $ay; THE WATT$ LAW FIRM ha$ a ca$e in a court room where THE WATT$ LAW FIRM ha$ $eated the JUDGE on the bench by $pending, oh $ay, $100K and that i$ a very low figure and $ay, a firm on the other $ide ha$ not contributed to the JUDGE$ Campaign, a$ THE WATT$ LAW FIRM ha$ contributed? The JUDGE know$, you know and the Oppo$ing Coun$el; if he i$ any good, he will know a$ well. Currently the environment favor$ the WATT$ OLIGOPOLY in $outh Texa$. Let u$ di$cu$$ Mr Martinez and alleged DOME$TIC VIOLENCE and an alleged VIDEO of him in NO. A$K him why he wa$ not conflicted when he pro$ecuted MOFF a$ hi$ family'$ intere$t re$ide$ in Real E$tate and Property owner$hip.

I $ee you have been reading your email$. Why $o overt now? Why not di$cu$$ the$e matter$ before the vote? Why not $pend money to increa$e the voter turn out? $4 million i$ all it will take to get at lea$t 50 % turnout probably greater. With firm$ like the WATT$ LAW FIRM promoting and $upporting the reform it will be ea$y. WATTA ya $ay?
Awaiting YOUR repon$e I remain,
Jaime Kenedeno

Monday, April 03, 2006

South Texas Chisme: Back in the mud

South Texas Chisme: Back in the mud


Nueces County inmates borrowing cell phones from employees 4/7/2005 2:02:06 AM
Also, there is a little matter at the Nueces County Jail regarding inmates borrowing cell phones from employees. I understand it is criminal to furnish an inmate with a cell phone? As I understand,two Sherriff''s employees have been implicated & terminated. Why was this not reported by our local media? I am sure they are aware. Why are the employees above indictment and charges? There needs to be accountability. Are there others who were guilty? Is this why no criminal charges were filed? Or was these employees set up to take the fall for superiors?