Friday, April 14, 2006

The WATT$ OLIGOPOLY in $outh Texa$

Dear Mr Bright,
In rebuttal re$pon$e to your defen$e of YOUR CANDIDATE or $hall I $ay Y'all'$ CANDIDATE. You are correct that thou$and$ voted for Judge Klager. In defen$e of our GRA$$ ROOT$ ADVOCACY for the "financially challenged" CANDIDATE$; I will enlighten you $ir; THOU$AND$ voted for Hector Rene Gonzalez a$ well. There i$ a very que$tionable element involved when Rob$town Voter$ and Politico$ are threatened. When attorney$ of Adver$e po$ition$ are threatened. When there i$ a MONOPOLY on the POLITIC$ in the Nuece$ County CUL DE $AC. Klager, Mari$ela $aldana, John Martinez, Bobby Galvan and "$herriff Jimmy" by a$$ociation and acceptance of campaign contribution$ and PAC$ created for the WATT$ $late i$ not necce$arily illegal but ha$ no part in our "Neck of the Wood$" Judiciary. I am aware of the working relation$hip between TWO FER and Mr Watt$. I am al$o aware of the mi$fortune of Judge Edward Aparicio (FIRE$TONE). Who wa$ the next Judge? I will continue to reveal "YOU$ GUY$". All I can $ay about Pete Alvarez i$ $olomon Ortiz $hould have backed him up in$tead of crying di$$appointment now. $olomon owed that kind of $upport to LENCHO.
Let ME a$k you Mr Bright:
WATT happen$ when YOU or YOUR AFFILIATE$ try a ca$e in their Courtroom?
I$ it unrea$onable, if $ay; THE WATT$ LAW FIRM ha$ a ca$e in a court room where THE WATT$ LAW FIRM ha$ $eated the JUDGE on the bench by $pending, oh $ay, $100K and that i$ a very low figure and $ay, a firm on the other $ide ha$ not contributed to the JUDGE$ Campaign, a$ THE WATT$ LAW FIRM ha$ contributed? The JUDGE know$, you know and the Oppo$ing Coun$el; if he i$ any good, he will know a$ well. Currently the environment favor$ the WATT$ OLIGOPOLY in $outh Texa$. Let u$ di$cu$$ Mr Martinez and alleged DOME$TIC VIOLENCE and an alleged VIDEO of him in NO. A$K him why he wa$ not conflicted when he pro$ecuted MOFF a$ hi$ family'$ intere$t re$ide$ in Real E$tate and Property owner$hip.

I $ee you have been reading your email$. Why $o overt now? Why not di$cu$$ the$e matter$ before the vote? Why not $pend money to increa$e the voter turn out? $4 million i$ all it will take to get at lea$t 50 % turnout probably greater. With firm$ like the WATT$ LAW FIRM promoting and $upporting the reform it will be ea$y. WATTA ya $ay?
Awaiting YOUR repon$e I remain,
Jaime Kenedeno

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