Monday, February 20, 2006

Andiamo Angelica Hernandez

Who said Bobby Galvan does not work for Mikal??

I will support Angelica Hernandez.

Just her being out spent $70k to her $14k is enough for me to back her.

Andiamo Angelica!

The theft charges WATT a bunch of crap.

Andiamo Angelica!

WATT has Mr John Martinez been up to lately is WATT we all need to ask?

Hector De Pena and something about a Loan Shark Collector or somebody will never win another case in his court?


WATT about the car accident that he signed off on?

These are serious questions I must ask Hector De Pena.

Hector knows WATT I am talkin bout. Right Hector?

And afterall he is the one who has resorted to the mud slingin.

Andiamo Joe Flores!

Susie Luna Saldana YOU are causing YOUR people a lot of headaches.

WATT kind of play is Susie Saldana conducting?

A WATTS counter play?

So WATTS can win if John Martinez loses?

So WATTS can win when Marisela loses?

Fred Jimenez watch out for that knife!

She is patting you on the back to find that soft spot to stick it in real deep.

Andiamo Fred Jimenez!

Angelica, I understand Connie Gutierrez is trying to work with you?

If this is true she will be bringing WATTS money.

YOU dont need it Angelica!

Andiamo Luis Octavio Gutierrez!

Andiamo Pete Alvarez!

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